Friday, September 23, 2011

Squatter settlements pictures

 These are some photos of the squatter settlements near my new house. They are all locate near the river, and cover with a steel roof. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Picture of Migration

                                             These are photos of a pagoda. It shows migration of religion.

This is a sushi restaurant. Shows migration of food for Japan and Korean

This is a picture of New World Hotel. Shows migration of technology. The building looks every fancy and nice

Monday, September 5, 2011

Water Cycle rap!

Journey of the water
It’s so special that
No one can live without it…
There’re…only 6 processes
Which keeps on circulating
Support life, and help us from living.

Yo let’s go…
First, on the top, is… evaporation                            
Water heats up in river, lake and ocean.
They turn to air vapor, then fly right up to the sky.
And the following step is… condensation.
Water gets cold, it change its formation
Into those enormous round clouds
Heavy droplets are going to fall down.

They say what comes up must fall down                         
Precipitation that’s what I’m showing u now.
so much water has condensed, that the air cannot hold it 
it falls back down in the form of rain, it hits the surface and find its friends.
They run downhill into their streams, surface run-off that’s what it’s mean.

Didn’t show Infiltration, and that’s a big mistake.
It’s a process that everyone needs to know
When water hits the soil it soaks right down
Because the force of gravity it hits the ground.
   And finally, is the process of discharge
That’s when the ground water, brings it back
to the ocean, where it originated and it start all over…

Journey of the water                                                 
It’s so special that
No one can live without it…
There’re…only 6 processes
Which keeps on circulating
Support life, and help us from living.

If you get the water cycle put your hands up
If you get the water cycle put your hands up
All of those are the 6 steps u need to know ( need to know)
And if you get the water cycle put your hands up
If you get the water cycle put your hands up
Now that u understand it, u can sing it with me !!!

Journey of the water                                                 
It’s so special that
No one can live without it…
There’re…only 6 processes
Which keeps on circulating
Support life, and help us from living.